كيف تربح الدنانير في المزرعة السعيدة ~ المبادرون العرب
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الأحد، 29 يناير 2012

كيف تربح الدنانير في المزرعة السعيدة

يتساءل الكثير منا عن لعبة المزرعة السعيدة وكيف نربح منها الدنانير وهناك اخرون يسألون عن طريقة الغش في المزرعة السعيدة ، او تزويد الدنانير في المزرعة السعيدة ، ولكن قبل التطرق الى طرق كسب الدنانير في المزرعة السعيدة دعونا نخبركم ، نبذة صغيرة عن المزرعة السعيدة ، حيث ان لعبة المزرعة السعيدة هي لعبة صينية بالاصل يتم لعبها على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ( فيس بوك ) وتم ظهورها في عام 2008 بشهر مايو  ثم انتشرت بشكل رهيب ليصل عدد لاعبيها 30 مليون لاعب

قد يتساءل البعض ما هي الطرق التي تجعلني ازود عدد الدناننير في المزرعة السعيدة

يوجد عشرة طرق اساسية ومجربة  يمكنك من خلالها خدع اللعبة وتزويد عدد الدنانير وهي كالتالي :

Happy Farm: Legal Tips and Cheats

Here are some legal Happy Farm tips and trick:

1 Keep your crops growing:
It is essential to keep crops growing all of the time, day and night, every day. Make sure you choose the most expensive vegetables and plant them whenever you have any room available. The is the key to beating your friends at Happy Farm on Facebook.

2 Get a Happy Farmer dog

Having a dog guarding your crops and plants is mandatory if you want to beat your friends at Happy Farm. All you have to do to get a dog for Happy Farm is invite five friends, who need to install the game. If you can muster up five friends who install the game, and watch the intro, you'll be getting your dog. Your friends can then forget about the Farm Ville, if they don't want to play it.

3 Get Happy Farmer Fertilizer
If you invite even more friends to join you on happy farm,you'll get up to five bags of fertilizer per day. Fertilizer will make your plants on Happy Farm grow faster.

4 Get experience by helping out your friends
If you visit your friend's Happy Farms and help killing worms, and removing weed, YOU get experience from it, not them. use this to gain experience faster than your friends, by keeping their Happy Farm clean. They may even thank you for it!

5 Earn up to 300 experience points together
If you work together with a friend, you can stack up experience points quickly and easily. First, your friends moves over to your Happy Farm, and fills it with weeds, as many as possible. Then, you go in yourself, and start removing the weeds again. This way, you'll be earning 2 experience points per weed you remove. You and your friend can repeat this up to 40 times a day, resulting in 80 experience points per day. If you repeat this with multiple friends, you'll quickly add experience points.

Happy Farm Glitch

Having trouble keeping your crops healthy in Happy Farm? Try these tricks-of-the-pros to make both your crops and your wallet flourish

you can check this video to learn how to cheat happy farm

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